Harmonic Patterns

Modal harmonic ostinato
Modal pedal
Radiohead Pyramid song
Stevie Wonder's (1973) "Living for the City"

Dorian modal harmonic ostinato

Billie Jean Michael Jackson

Moondance Van Morrison

Out Bloody Rageous Soft Machine

Sacked Kief Hartley

So What Miles Davis

Aeolian modal harmonic ostinato

All along the watchtower Dylan/Hendrix

In the air tonight, Phil Collins

Layla Eric Clapton

Sultans of swing dire straits

Stevie Wonder's (1973) "Living for the City"

Cherry Pepsi St Pepsi (Bring your own baby)

Love song Cure

Phrygian modal harmonic ostinato

Radiohead Pyramid song (with added Picardian colour)

Mixolydian modal harmonic ostinato

Lay lady Lay Bob Dylan

Michael Jackson the way you make me feel

Variational and cadential strategies for modal sequences

Dominant-powered cadence

Andalusian cadence

Mixolydian cadence

Hey Jude the Beatles

Suffragette city David Bowie

Hey Joe Jim Hendrix

Modal Shuttles

Dorian shuttles

Aeolian Shuttles

Picardian centres in modal harmony

Dorian Picardian

Rotter’s Club Hatfield and the north

Moment to myself Macy Gray

Will young Grace

Old town road Lil Nas X

34 Ghosts IV Nine inch nails

Aeolian Picardian

At last I am free Robert Wyatt

John Babbacome lee? Fair port convention

Phrygian Picardian

Roller coaster Ohio Players

Harmonic (Dom V) in modal Harmony

Harmonic Doran

Bus Stop Boxer Eels

Tonal modal emotional contrast

Sultans of swing Dire straits

Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix

Heart of Gold Neil Young

Telephone Lady Gaga

Modal modulation

Quartal harmony

Spirited Away Studio Ghibli

Miles Davis Decoy

Basic Tonal harmonic structures

Major mode

Tracking in thirds & sixths

Three chord trick

Four chord trick

Circle of fifths



Minor Mode

Minor Three chord trick

Minor four chord trick

Minor Circle of fifths



IV major becomes IV minor Trope

Suddenly I see

Radiohead Creep

Radiohead No Surprises

Space Oddity David Bowie

In my life Beatles

Hello Goodbye Beatles

Across the Universe Beatles

Oasis Don’t look back in Anger

Altered Blues

Peg Steely Dan

Jazz Harmony

Tritone substitution

Lego JAZZ theory

Lego Joins

Side winder

All the things you are

(Yesterday – Beatles)

New Horizon


Lego Bricks

Plain old turn around

Extended Cadence

Cadential overrun

Interaction harmony with hypermetre

Moving harmonic goalpost to fit hypermetrical constraint trope

Harmonic earworms